Best of 2018 Weddings
So 2018…where did you vanish to so rapidly?! I say it every year, and it is soooo clichéd but time seems to fly faster every single year! If I could buy time I would be a very very poor man…or very rich depending on how you look at it I guess.
Weddings are still such a huge part of my life and my love for documenting them is now so much stronger than it was for my very first one back in 2008! Yes 2018 saw me celebrate 10 years since photographing my very first wedding, and how things have changed. Before that first wedding, back in 2008, I dreaded the thought of weddings becoming the main focus of my business. Fast forward 10 years and I genuinely couldn’t be happier. They have certainly changed a lot in those 10 years but definitely for the better! They have certainly changed me and how I approach my art. Weddings are awesome, they are filled with happy, loved up (and more often than not very drunk) people. What’s not to love?!
This year has seen me visit some of my favourite wedding venues and discover many new ones. I have met some incredibly wonderful people and captured some timeless and precious memories for them. This job (if we can call it that) has a tendency to be very solitary at times however being around such fascinating characters and lovely people week in week out makes those long stints behind our monitors worth the while.
I am lucky enough to have some awesome weddings lined up for this year and I cannot wait for them. The thought of creating many more memories for people excites me. My main aim for this year is to continue to master the art of work-life balance. I love working from home where I can nip downstairs for half an hour, if I choose, to be the crazy idiot of a Dad I really am. My family is everything to me and I honestly can’t wrap my head around just how I’ve lucked out with them!
This is a wedding blog post, featuring some of my fave images from 2018, so I wont touch too much on my other work. I am still (slowly) growing the family side of my business and have a very exciting new venture on the horizon with some brilliantly talented individuals which is due to launch very soon.
2019 all I ask of you is to keep my family healthy and happy and provide me with shit loads more amazing moments to document.