Preston Marriott Wedding - Karl and Amy


Karl and Amy’s Wedding at Preston Marriott

The first time I met Karl and Amy at their house I instantly warmed to them. After spending an hour or so with them I knew their wedding at Preston Marriott was going be fantastic. Karl and Amy have two awesome little boys, one of which turned 3 on the wedding day and the other was Karls best man! This little family are so down to earth and full of love and life. Right up my street!

Their wedding day was ridiculously sunny August day at the Preston Marriott. My day started out with Amy at her parents house. It was lovely to catch up with the wonderful Jo Coole Make-Up Artist who, as always, did a fantastic job. After leaving Amy I head to the wedding venue to meet up with Karl. He was, as most grooms are, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement and he couldn’t wait to see his Bride-to-be!

The day was a lovely mixture of fun, giggles and good times. As we had such lovely weather there was plenty of playing on the expanse of open space the Marriott has to offer. The day for me was very chilled with lots of lovely interactions and plenty of fun moments. It was made even better with the arrival of the awesome PC Roadshows who kept all the guests entertained throughout dinner!